Surgical Co-Management

eye surgery

Co-management means your eye doctor, whom you’ve entrusted your family’s eye care for years, performs an evaluation before surgery in the form of a surgical consult educating you on choice, expected outcomes, and the details of the procedure followed by the follow up care also performed locally with your eye doctor.


We work with several LASER VISION CORRECTION centers to get you seamless care before and after the surgeon works their magic. Prior to any procedure on the front surface of the eye a comprehensive eye exam, LASIK/SMILE consultation, and dry eye evaluation ought to be performed. Prior to the procedure, cleaning up the ocular surface to achieve the best result with the least side effects and the lowest chance of complications is the goal. We achieve that with TCT (Tear Care Treatment) and an eyelid cleaning regimen before you see the surgeon.


Been told in the past that your power is too high to correct with laser? Attend your comprehensive eye exam and take advantage of your complimentary consult valued at $98. You’ll be amazed what advancements have been made. The latest in implantable technology is truly astonishing. For a solution that gives you great vision while at the same time being completely reversible should you need cataract surgery or other intervention later in life; this solution is catching fire both for its capacity to correct higher powers than ever imagined in the past and the lack of interaction with the central cornea.


At 4Sight iCare, our doctors are in network and on panel with medical insurance so we can evaluate and manage all care aside from the surgery itself. We co-manage with local, high quality surgeons that have been personally vetted for their surgical talents and professionalism. Your visits during the global surgical period are all billed in conjunction with your eye surgeon’s office. These best of the best surgeons offer the best implants, so we are up to date on the options and discuss the implant that best suits your eyes.


Whether done in conjunction with Cataract surgery or as a stand alone procedure, we present all options for care including surgical remedies that mean fewer medicated eye drops. Laser and We evaluate and manage eye disease every day with the outcome in mind, and if the best outcome is expected from a surgical fix we will present that option and continue to evaluate and manage the status of the ocular conditions.

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