Pediatric Eye Exams

Pediatric Eye Exams

         Importance of Regular Eye Exams for Children

Regular eye exams are crucial for children, as their eyes can change significantly in as little as a year due to developing muscles and tissues. Good eyesight is vital for a child's life and achievements, closely tied to success in school and other activities. School demands intense visual involvement, including reading, writing, computer use, and smartboard work. Even physical activities and sports require strong vision. If a child's eyes aren’t up to the task, they may feel tired, have trouble concentrating, face problems in school, or have difficulty playing their favorite games, affecting their overall quality of life.

When to Perform a Pediatric Eye Exam

Research indicates that every child should have a comprehensive eye exam with an eye doctor between 6 and 12 months old then again at ages 3 and 5 years. Routine eye health should include an annual eye exam with a qualified eye care professional to detect any abnormalities as their eyes develop. Unless otherwise recommended, these annual eye exams should be conducted every year after entering kindergarten to maintain 20/20 normal vision throughout adolescence into adulthood.


For newborns, pediatricians are qualified to perform the “red reflex test” on babies’ eyes as well a refer to more specialized eye care whenever normal eye function is not achieved. If a baby is born premature, at high risk for medical problems, shows signs of abnormalities, or has a family history of serious vision disorders, a comprehensive exam with a pediatric ophthalmologist may be necessary.

Infants (6 months to 1 year)

The first comprehensive eye exam should be performed by an eye care professional trained to assess babies’ eyes.  Infants identified as high risk when they were newborns may continue care with a pediatric eye surgeon, but those being assessed to maintain healthy eye and vision development are best evaluated by an eye doctor trained to provide an InfantSEE eye exam.  The InfantSEE eye exam should be performed between six months and the first birthday. This includes tests like pupil responses, fixate and follow, and preferential looking to assess vision capabilities, along with a thorough evaluation of the eye's health inside and out. To find a provider near you that is trained to perform an InfantSEE eye exam, click here.

Preschoolers (3 to 3½ years)

Between ages 3 and 3½, visual acuity and eye alignment should be assessed. Early treatment is essential if diagnosed with misaligned eyes (strabismus), lazy eye (amblyopia), refractive errors (astigmatism, myopia, hyperopia), or other focusing problems.

School Age

Upon entering school, children should be screened for visual acuity and alignment. Nearsightedness (myopia) is common and correctable with eyeglasses. Signs of vision problems include squinting, holding reading materials close, complaining of blurriness, having a short attention span, losing interest in visually demanding activities, losing their place when reading, or turning their head to the side to see better.

Importance of Regular Screenings

Regular eye screenings with an optometrist are vital. Early detection and treatment of vision problems improve a child’s performance in and out of school.


Learn More

InfantSEE® Program

We are proud participants in the InfantSEE® program, providing professional eye care for infants starting at 6 months old. Early eye exams are crucial for identifying potential vision problems that could affect a child's development and learning.

Comprehensive Exams

Our pediatric eye exams are thorough, assessing visual acuity, eye alignment, and overall eye health to detect any issues early on.

Child-Friendly Environment

We create a welcoming and comfortable atmosphere for children, making their visit a positive experience. Ensuring your child receives regular eye exams is an important part of their overall health and development.

Trust 4Sight iCare

Trust 4Sight iCare to provide the best pediatric eye care and support your child's vision needs from infancy through their school years. Schedule your child's next eye exam with us and give them the gift of clear, healthy vision.

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