80% of Learning is Visual

The Annual Wellness Eye Exam COMPLETES the Annual Physical at all ages. Perhaps most importantly for students before they start a new grade of visual processing challenges…

Schedule your family’s wellness eye exams today; remember all vision testing is included at no extra charge with every wellness eye exam regardless of insurance!

What age should you have an eye exam?

As an InfantSee provider, we recommend wellness eye exams at 6 months to 1 year old and age 3 to check health and development of the visual system.  At school age (5 years old) and every year thereafter we should check vision and perform the annual wellness eye exam with an eye doctor to complete the annual physical with their primary care doctor or pediatrician.  That annual basis continues throughout adulthood as everyone should get an annual wellness physical while they are well to preserve their level of fitness and lack of dependence on medication as we age.  Remember, you are not considered an established patient under federal guidelines for medicine unless you have been seen by the same physician group within the last 3 years.  Don’t weigh the system down, lift it up with annual wellness visits to your primary care doctor, dentist, and eye doctor!

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