4 Ways to $ave Big This Back to School Season

THE DEADLINE for school eye exams is OCTOBER 15th. Get your family in before you hear from your student’s teachers that your kids need vision help! If you’re like me you postpone nearly everything, especially when it comes to administrative homework from your child’s school. It’s like us parents are the ones enrolled in learning good responsibility habits and learning how not to procrastinate. Nothing makes me procrastinate more than when I’m told not… Well, in honor of our fellow procrastinators we’ve made it easy to save at 4Sight iCare with 4 ways to make your visit hurt a little less if we are able to come in before the October deadline for school eye exams.

1) ALL KIDDOS under age 18 are eligible for a FREE WARRANTY with purchase of a complete pair of prescription eyeglasses. That’s a $40 VALUE! And you can combine it with any insurance since the insurance isn’t the entity offering the warranty.  Valid NOW until October 15th!

2) NO INSURANCE = NO PROBLEM The cost of any child’s eye exam (up to $130 OFF) may be deducted from the purchase of a pair of glasses when a parent gets an exam and glasses the same day. This is only valid until the deadline for school eye exams on October 15th.

3) We always have package pricing on our lenses for second, third, and fourth pairs, BUT up until the deadline we ALSO have FREE SECOND PAIR LENSES with the purchase of a qualifying pair (level 3 or 4 with Transitions) and a second frame to hold the free lenses. YES, that’s up to a $785 VALUE! This is available under the Essilor Next Gen Offer and may not be combined with any other discounts except the standing savings in number 4 below.

4) The Featured Frame 4 the Month #FF4M is always 40% OFF. It rotates every month and makes getting that back-up, sun, or task pair of glasses more doable at a time during the year that works best for you. The prescription is valid for a full 12 months, so you might as well take advantage if you could benefit from anything other than a primary pair glasses as determined at your annual eye exam!

We save your Vision Report for 1 year from the time of visit so you get all the savings you are entitled to throughout the year! Book your family’s eye exams TODAY and experience YOUR BEST VISION at our best discounts!


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