Tuesday & Wednesday: 10:00 am – 6:00 pm
Thursday & Friday: 10:00 am – 7:00 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
Appointments are limited to hourly scheduling to satisfy physical distancing and provide extra time to disinfect between patients. Maximum 4 family members in the building at once – only those with an appointment and up to 3 guests from the same household at a time, please.
Wellness Form sent via text 2 hours before appointments and temperature screenings performed upon entry. AND Paperwork completed ONLINE prior to visit at: https://intakeq.com/new/mfVhu9.
The patient must wear provided PPE = we will provide a new surgical mask if you do not have your own mask. Contactless payment is available via Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, or Text to Pay
Disinfection with EPA-approved COVID cleansers following every patient visit and abundant hand sanitizer stations throughout the office. New try-on procedures include specialized disinfection of frames and a designated area where you may remove your mask to view frames in a desktop mirror. All frame measurements are completed with our specialized electronic device; limiting adjustments.