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What Do Eyes Have to Do With Headaches?

That’s right, if you experience a lot of headaches, it would be worth your time to schedule an eye exam. Not every headache is tied to a vision problem, and not all untreated vision problems result in headaches...

Workplace Eye Safety

This is going to mean very different things depending on what kind of job you have, whether you work from home or in an office, or you work at a worksite...

How to Care for Your Lenses

Most people who wear glasses or contacts can remember what it was like the first time they were able to see individual blades of grass and leaves on trees after putting them on...

Heterochromia: When Eyes Don’t Match

Statistically, there’s a good chance it’s their eye color! A striking pair of eyes can really make an impression — and that goes double when they’re two different colors...

Is Blue Light Bad for Our Eyes?

Since the advent of handheld devices that could access the internet, a lot of us have been browsing websites late into the night, our eyes glued to a bright little screen...

A Few Tips for Protecting Your Eyesight

As many as one sixth of adults struggle with an eye condition that threatens their sight, and far more will experience a certain amount of vision loss as they get older...

Know the Signs of Child Eye Problems

As much as 80% of all learning is visual, and it’s estimated that more than half of childhood learning difficulties come from undiagnosed vision problems...

Winter Eye Protection

The same UV rays that give us sunburns on the beach are just as dangerous on a snowy mountain. Even if most of our skin is covered by thick layers of snow gear, our eyes can still be vulnerable without the proper eye protection...

How Smoking Harms Eye Health

Lung cancer is the risk we most commonly associate with a smoking habit, followed by oral health problems, but it doesn’t stop with the parts of the body the smoke comes in contact with...

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