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The Basics of AMD

AMD is the gradual loss of central vision as the part of the retina with the highest concentration of photoreceptor cells (the macula, which is responsible for our detailed central vision) deteriorates...

Tips for a Lifetime of Healthy Eyesight

Up to one in every six adults struggles with a sight-threatening eye condition and many more than that experience a degree of vision loss as they age. Many of the major causes of blindness and low vision are connected to age...

Recognizing Childhood Vision Problems

That’s because as much as 80% of all learning is visual, and experts estimate that more than half of childhood learning difficulties are the result of undiagnosed vision problems...

Helping Child Vision Development

It might seem strange, since using our eyes is something we do automatically all day, but babies need to develop a number of visual skills in order to effectively use their eyes and process what they’re seeing, just like they have to learn how to walk and talk...

The Impacts of Smoking on Eyesight

We typically think of lung cancer as the main health risk associated with smoking, and then maybe oral health problems next, but the parts of the body that have direct contact with the smoke aren’t the only ones hurt by it...

How Eye Color Works

Melanin absorbs light, even some UV light, which is important for the iris — the part of the eye that controls how much light enters the pupil...

Corrective Lenses Through History

Around that time, the Roman philosopher Seneca used a glass globe of water to magnify text, while Emperor Nero needed a magnifying emerald to see gladiator fights...

The Relationship Between Eyes and Sleep

That isn’t great, but where do our eyes fit into the equation? When we get enough sleep, it’s great for both our overall health and our eye health, and we can also improve our quality of sleep by changing what we put in front of our eyes before we go to bed...

Makeup Eye Safety Tips

Thankfully we don’t have to worry whether or not we’re putting actual poison on our faces when we apply modern makeup, but we should still take a few precautions to protect our eyes from unnecessary injury and infection...

Keeping Our Eyes Healthy as We Age

Early diagnosis is critical for stopping many sight-threatening conditions in their tracks, which is why we should be on the watch for signs of age-related vision loss...

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