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Flaxseed Oil or Fish Oil for Dry Eye?

These products claim to have a variety of benefits, but today we just want to focus on two: flaxseed oil and fish oil, and what they can do to combat dry eye...

Protecting Your Eye Health While You Work

The type of job you have will determine what kinds of risks your eyes may be in for injury or health issues, so we’re going to break them up into two main categories: jobs that mainly involve physical labor and office jobs...

What is Age-related Macular Degeneration?

In AMD patients, vision loss occurs as the macula deteriorates over time. The macula is the part of the retina responsible for sharp, central vision, AMD can make it difficult or impossible to do daily tasks like reading, writing, and driving...

Smart Contact Lenses?

What exactly are smart contact lenses, and what would they be for? Let’s take a look at a few of the different possibilities we could be seeing in the not-so-distant future...

Progressive Lenses Versus Bifocals

Those of us lucky enough to have perfect vision until that age will only require reading glasses to help with up-close vision. However, for the 42 percent of Americans who are nearsighted to begin with, a more complex solution will be necessary, such as bifocals, trifocals, or progressive lenses...

Glaucoma 101: Eyes Under Pressure

One such problem is glaucoma, a group of eye conditions that affect millions of people in the US, making it the second most common cause of vision loss and blindness in the country...

Warning Signs of Child Vision Problems

This puts these children at a serious disadvantage in their education and their social development. So what can we do as parents to make sure this doesn’t happen to our children? Fortunately, there’s plenty...

Our Top Tips for Winter Eye Safety

Unfortunately, this is not the case. We are just as vulnerable to harmful UV rays in winter as we are in summer. Our skin might be mostly bundled up from the cold, keeping it safe from UV rays...

Staying Ahead of Age-related Vision Loss

The older we get, the more important it is for us to be on the watch for symptoms of age-related vision loss. As your partners in life-long healthy vision, we want to make sure you’re prepared...

Vision and Night Driving

Many of us feel safer driving during the day, particularly if our eyesight isn’t perfect. The dangers of night driving are very real, and we should all be taking them seriously, because our lives and the lives of others absolutely depend on it...

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